Top 10 Events During My Hiatus

I like top 10s because I can get away from needing to have coherent thoughts. I just throw together some random ideas and attach numbers to them. I also thought this would be a spiffy way of updating everybody. Though knowing me, I can't promise that all the following events actually happened.

10. I survived a week plus trip to Florida with Emily and her parents. Though I was never concerned about my survival with Emily. Truth is, I had a really amazing time. I also got to meet Emily's NC relatives who may be some of the coolest people in the entire universe. And I discovered that BBQ = Pork is actually a myth perpetrated upon me by a form LDP and great friend. Accoring to several NCers, BBQ can mean several type of meats but they did say that out in the Raleigh area they seem to only acquaint it with Pork. Did everyone enjoy this lesson on the NC definition of BBQ? Sadly, I've been wanting to spill these beans for months. I'm a pitiful man.

9. Discovered Generations Church. I really love this church and a lot of what they stand for. It is extremely community focused which I believe should be the goal of the church. It is not stuck on old traditions and encourages us to challenge and question what we have been taught. It is so different from my previous church experiences which is a very good thing. Anyone that knows me well can vouch I have been pretty bitter towards Church for a long time. And one extra added bonus, the Pastor doesn't like the label of 'Christian'!!!

8. Did some real bouldering at Niagara. Is called the Gorge? Dee or Emily would know. I forget insignificant facts like names. Anyway, this would be the very first time I bouldered on real rock. I won't lie, sometimes I wanted to cry. But if you ask me, go ahead ask, I think I did really well. Of course, it took Jedi mind tricks from Emily for me to complete some climbs such as a fairly difficult crack climb. I hate crack climbs! In the case of plumbers, drugs and climbing, just say no to crack!

7. Have wrapped up two more semesters of school. I've got a little more than one full year (12 months) to go. I'm still keeping my average in the A range which is splendid. Would anyone from high school have guessed me to be a Dean List student???

6. I was given a super awesome bike. I would like to say that I have rode it every day since but then I would be a dirty rotten liar. Though I did warn that not all material in this post could be accurate. Anyway, I have not used it as much as it deserves. Even though it is 100 times cheaper than bus, faster than walking, or more fun than car. Why the hold up? Because biking on the road makes me pee myself. I hate the big vehicles trying to bully me on the road. Just ask Em. I'm a wussy on busy traffic streets. And we aren't talking Toronto busy but wee ol' Brantford busy. Yeah, I am a wimp.

5. Weddings! I've been to at least 2 since my last blog. One was an aunthentic Asian wedding. 9 courses! Both had open bar and dancing. Man, why did I ever hate weddings when I was younger? These things are just an excuse to party. Those wedding crasher guys had it all right. Except for the whole sleeping with some random girls they met. Since Emily would hate that.

4. Decided I was no longer a Christian.

Did that make you panic? Well, don't. It isn't what you think. Rather I'm opposed to what the label of Christianity represents in a lot of cases. I am extremely frustrated with the institution of Church. I believe it is Christians that have hindered a lot of people from finding God or Jesus. Frankly, Christianity is a religion and I am not religious. No, I am a follower of Christ. Thus I am not forcing myself to stick to a lot of traditions and legalisms that I feel harm faith. Besides, I have known for a long time that I was way more Liberal in my 'Christianity' than most people that surrounded me but also knew that 'Liberal Christian' had some pretty lousy thoughts attached to you (possibly unjustified). Instead, it is just better to shed the Christian label.

For the record, this is not me saying I have a problem with Christians or Conservative Christians. If that is what helps you walk properly with God and Jesus Christ then congratulations. I applaud you.

3. Officially threw out my ninjas. I know right now both Tim and Scott are crying. I'm sorry. They were way past dead.

2. Missed watching Wrestlemania for the 4th year in a row. Is it no longer bigger than Wednesday???

1. This list is obviously not in any particular order. I did not feel missing a stupid TV show was a bigger event than making a huge decision in regards to my belief system. I just thought I should clear this up. Though, this isn't really an event. So ummmm. . . I finally gave in to the evil darkness that is Facebook. Yeah, I sold out.

Hopefully, this makes up for the useless post from yesterday. Emily informed me she was tre disappointed with it. I can't upset the masses. Or at least, can't upset my sugar momma. Kidding. Mostly.


  1. hmmm tis called the Niagara Glen but us locals call it the Niagara Gorge. Ta Dah! No you know...and knowings half the battle

  2. i'm glad you came out from under the rock you've been hiding under.but who knows, this could be a one time installment, right?

  3. It would be at least a 'two time' installment since I've posted twice now. That has got to tie people over for at least another year, right?


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