My Valentine


Welcome to the Spicer Merry-Go-Round where no matter how much we move we seem stuck in the same place.

I promised a glorious relaunch, but Beyond the Balcony seems firmly stuck in the pattern of 2024 again.

Why is that?

If you allow me to offer up a feeble excuse, I'm struggling slightly with adjusting to the new medication and my dosages have been changed a few times as my doctor measures its effects. Each time has led to a wave of nausea and drowsiness. The feeling of crippling anxiety and being overwhelmed has remained at some level, so it has led to a less-than-productive start to 2025.


I hate to keep resorting to this approach, but my brain is one where I can't move forward without addressing what is happening and setting up things for a fresh start.

On the take-a-win when I can approach, I have been able to post something every day even if it isn't movie reviews or posts that exceed a few hundred words.

Also, my freelance work is in really bad shape. I have one current client that offers more exposure than a livable wage for the work done. However, if I manage things right, it can be significant and very beneficial exposure in a field I want to expand.

We are a far distance away from this past summer when I was firmly pushing forward with some hope with an ad agency offering up fairly regular work at a good pay rate and another very regular client. Both are gone now. Both to some degree can be my own fault and a clear pattern of self-sabotage.

This is why I am in therapy, counseling, and taking medication. I want to get better and overcome the roadblocks in my life.

But things are rough on the freelance front.

If you've enjoyed my writing through the years and believe I am talented, then please consider me for crafting some copy for you. I have experience doing ad copy, but I've also been a professional columnist, reporter, and critic for over a decade. I'm an avid storyteller always seeking fresh ways to convey a message.

If you want to show your appreciation for my over decade of work on this site with writing and podcasts, then I also would be very grateful for any financial help.

I'm getting better. The plans for the site all remain intact, and 2025 has many more days left, and that means lots of great stuff is on the way.

As always, thank you for your support and I am grateful for the years of reading and listening to my creations. 
