My Valentine

If I Can Be Vulnerable for a Moment


I know this will blow your mind, but I'm pretty sensitive and a perpetual people-pleaser. 
I realize some dollops of harsh reactions or grumpiness scattered throughout my life travels are inevitable. For fear of such things, I've dialed back on speaking my thoughts, passing on a well-wish, or sharing a pleasant greeting. 

I panic over the possibility of conflict or getting a rough response, but sometimes, just no response can be just as spiraling. Shouting out into the void when surrounded by people who should be reacting just reaffirms the lifelong belief that I'm awkward, weird, and uninvited. 

But I was talking to someone today. A person who is one of the most talented, sweetest, friendliest, encouraging, and wonderful people I know. This person mentioned a few times when people exploded on them or how there are certain people who don't like them. This seems more impossible than flying on a pig to the moon. 
It reminded me that sometimes not-so-nice responses or people not liking you are destined in life. My hope this year is to speak up a bit more, stand up for people a bit more. encourage people a bit more (if they don't appreciate it that isn't on me), and just try to spread more kindness and love wherever I go.
You've been warned.
