Boiled Beet Chili

Bring On The Star Wars Hype!!!

It's coming folks. A little more then a week away and we will all have the opportunity for the ultimate movie experience. It's the final film in the most popular and classic space fantasy film series of all time. Ignore the fact there really isn't any others. But next Thursday, Star Wars Episode 3: The Revenge of the Sith is upon us. Even though the last two were slightly disappointing (I still liked them), I am in total geek out mode for the chance to see this movie. I'm giddier then a school girl right before her Prom where she is about to be picked up by Studly Dean Sporto. Oh Dean, you are so dreamy. Enough about Dean because it is all about the goodness that will be Star Wars!!!! Bring on the hype. Check out the official web site that has lots of fun stuff for the Star Wars geek in all of you. Click right. . .. here!


  1. Anonymous7:54 pm

    YES...YES... Am looking forward to this flick, and have been for awhile now. Not many movie trailers give me goosebumps, this one did. A good sign that it ahould kicks some ass. The only question now is when to go see it. Shall I brave the opening night crowds? Or wait a few weeks and see it when its died down to a quiet roar. What to do...what to do.

  2. Anonymous12:13 am

    oh spicer..where can you be? did the sea of star wars fanatics swallow you up? did a minature anakin hit slice you in two with his light saber?


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