Boiled Beet Chili

Doing My Husbandly Duty

Emily and her friend are attempting to get accepted into the Southern Ontario Amazing Race. One part of the application is producing a video that tells about their team and why they would be a good addition to the contest. Since Emily put so much work(at least a whole half hour) into making this quality video, I thought I should showcase it for all my regular readers.

It should be noted that there are uncredited cameos by both Crosby and Summit. Crosby can be seen in the crucial 'friend asking Emily out to play' scene, while Summit can be heard in that scene as well. I thought since Emily decided to not acknowledge our 'boys' film debut, that I would be the proud father that does. I am pretty sure this may be their first step towards Hollywood glory. Maybe Air Bud 7: Slobber He Barked?


  1. Anonymous1:20 pm

    Emily Spicer via Facebook:

    hey....I put more than a half hour into the vidoe, thank you very much...

  2. I know but acknowledging that wouldn't have been as humorous to me. Apparently, I get humour from downplaying your work. Hopefully that doesn't negate all the good I did from promoting your video.

  3. Anonymous1:21 pm

    Emily Spicer via Facebook:

    hahaha...we'll see if it works when I need to raise the money

  4. I like that we are talking on Facebook while living in the same house. We can't even use my work as an excuse.

  5. Anonymous1:22 pm

    Emily Spicer via Facebook:

    Evidently, you're not doing're on Facebook :)

  6. Uh. . . research purposes.


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