And Now For Another Collective Publishing Article Written By Me

A week ago I herded you all over to the fine website The Collective Publishing, so you could read my piece on some of the historical issues that derailed the agreement between Six Nations and Brantford. I was overwhelmed by the positive response and pumped that so many people wanted to read my ramblings.

Well, I now have another piece up on the site and would love for you to check it out. A few weeks ago, I got one of the biggest breaks in my career when I was able to land an interview with Rob Ford. It was short, but I still got a pretty good perspective on the kind of man he is. Or at least, the type of Mayor he aspiring to be. So, I wrote up a quick bio piece and briefly looked at how his style of politics would fit in to the rest of Ontario. I don't try to answer if it would, but rather leave it up to reader to decide. So, why not check out the article and make your own decision.

Because after all, what better way to spend Canada Day than reading an article about a city mayor.
