The Breakdown of 'Enola Holmes', 'The Naked Gun', 'FUBAR' and 'Love Guaranteed'

We are serving up four movie reviews this week on The Movie Breakdown, including two movies that are really beloved comedies. We discuss the movie that not only was the likely inspiration for a slew of comedies in the 1990s but also gave Leslie Nielsen a second career in the cop parody picture, The Naked Gun. We also have what is a Canada cult classic in the mockumentary about two headbangers in FUBAR. We also review another romantic comedy coming out of Netflix in Love Guaranteed. Speaking of Netflix, a star from one of their hit series is getting her first chance at a leading role as Millie Bobby Brown stars in the family adventure, Enola Holmes. After the movie reviews, we discuss if Disney botched their handling of Star Wars.

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The Movies' Four-Star Rating
Enola Holmes ***½ (CS & SM)
Love Guaranteed ** (CS) & *½ (SM) 
The Naked Gun ***½ (CS) & **** (SM) 
FUBAR ***½ (CS & SM)
