My Unreasonable and Crazy Goals for 2021

'Being reasonable is the most common path to mediocrity.' - Will Smith

Many of the most successful creators in the world had dreams that many told them were impossible. The great stories are often about people who rose above expectations and didn't allow the odds to stop them from reaching their dreams. 

If you are ambitious and what to change the world and have momentous dreams than you must be unreasonable and come off as delusional. You must believe the impossible can be possible and that miracles are reality.

Since this is the type of mindset that I want after decades of being negative and not believing in myself, and because today has been driven by anxiety and crippling fear, I want to be ridiculously optimistic and list some over-the-top and unrealistic goals that I want to achieve for the rest of 2021.

Make six figures off my writing: I've never even come close to this amount of money in my life doing anything. Last year was the least amount of money that I made from writing in a decade. This is a ridiculous goal. But writing is my heart and soul. It is what I can do better than anything in this world. It is my gift. I need to believe that what I create is more than worth six figures.

Get a literary agent with my completed manuscript: I want to be a novelist. I want to be published by a big and popular publishing company to maximum my audience. I need an agent for that. I need a manuscript for that. The manuscript will get finished. It will be sent. It will be good enough to be accepted by an agent. My career will take that next big step.

The Movie Breakdown will be ranked as one of the most popular movie and TV podcasts on the major podcast sites: We will continue to mold the show in a way to entertain our current audience but also cause our listenership to skyrocket. The higher ranking will allow us to leverage our podcast to either attract sponsors or create a Patreon to allow us to make some income and grow the show to something even better for our audience.

Buy a new desktop, laptop, Nintendo Switch and be able to support some beloved creators: I'll be successful enough that I can make purchases that I haven't been ale to justify for years. I can also give money to creators that I've wanted to support for years. I'll also finally be able to offer significant support to charities.

Wow my wife with a grand and romantic gesture: Stay tuned.

My site becomes a major source of my income: My readership will grow to such a ridiculous level that I can leverage it either to gain major sponsors or a very successful Patreon or Substacks. This will become a major part of my career.

Change and enrich my readers lives: My writing will matter.

Sell a movie script: Finally, the big cinematic adaptation of Pop Tarts that we've been waiting for since the 1980s. Or maybe something else.
