The Breakdown of the Modern State of Movies

We are changing up the format of The Movie Breakdown for the foreseeable future for numerous reasons. It mostly means we are returning to the deep-dive into one movie format. It means that less movies will be covered in a year, but it also means we can really delve into a thorough discussion and exploration of a picture.

This week we're diving into a freeform discussion about the current state of movies. We look at recent success of original movies, the big studio obsessions with franchises, and the potential future for major motion pictures.

As always it was a great time talking movies, and if you loved it, please help us out by spreading the word.

We also want to acknowledge the excellent people over at Spreaker Prime who help bring this podcast to you and have a talented team that supports us.

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Question of the Week: Which over-the-top movie hero do you most relate?

Listen to "The Breakdown of the State of Modern Movies" on Spreaker.
