Any Day is a Good Day for 'I Mother Earth'

As a Canadian who has a largely American readership. I am well aware that there are things that I love that many checking out this site may not have ever heard about. This is why it is my at least once-a-year duty to expose you to one of my favourite rock bands from my teen years in I Mother Earth.

This song is called 'Used to Alright' and I argue that it is far more than alright. It is one of those songs that I always enjoyed but over the years has slowly crawled its way into a favourite.

One of my highlights of the past decade was going with a really great friend to watch the band on their reunion tour when they made a stop at the Brantford Sanderson Centre. A stage that I can now say that I have performed on, and though nothing to do with my drawing power, had a packed house for four straight nights.

I still plan to talk about that major event in greater detail soon. but for now, enjoy some awesome I Mother Earth.
