10 Ill-Conceived Sequels That Almost Happened

Everyone moans that there are too many sequels, and even though the art of franchising seems to have got better over the years, we still get pictures like Hangover Part II that just feels like a rehash of the original and a shameless cash-in on the popularity.  There appears to be those films that arrive that are sequel proof because filmmakers realize it only ever needed one story and it would be wrong to try to continue it.  Except greedy studio executives don't believe in such myths, and many movies that combated sequelitis were likely just one small event away from having a second or third or fourth story attached.  In my latest Collective Publishing column, I look at 10 sequels that almost got made, and a few of these would have been dreadful memory destroyers of classics (while also were just blatant cash grabs to stories that have nothing left to tell).
