Brain Fog

The Breakdown of 'Day Shift', 'The Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie', 'Not Okay' and Remembering Olivia Newton-John

It is all about sucking this week on The Movie Breakdown. Vampires suck our blood, and Jamie Foxx is battling a whole slew of them in the horror comedy Day Shift. Studios are always going to suck out as much value as possible from a recognizable series, so we have the return of everyone's favourite wisecracking amphibians in The Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie. Another thing that sucks is social media, or at least our obsession with it and the many toxic elements that come from it. That aspect gets explored in the dramedy starring Zoey Deutch in Not Okay. Then in news that sucks, Olivia Newton-John passed away, so we pay tribute to her major impact on movies and music.

What doesn't suck is being able to talk movies, and we had a blast recording this episode. We hope you really loved it, and if you did, please help us out by spreading the word on social media.

We also want to acknowledge the excellent people over at Spreaker Prime who help bring this podcast to you and have a talented team that supports us.

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Listen to "The Breakdown of Day Shift, The Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Not Okay and Remembering Olivia Newton-John" on Spreaker.

Movie Star Ratings

Day Shift *½ (CS) & ** (SM)
The Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles *** (CS & SM)
Not Okay *** (CS) & ***½ (SM)
