Fresh Start


Tomorrow is the first day of the new school year for Emily. Danika and Everett. Even though the new year officially begins in January, this is the time of the year that feels like a fresh start to the majority of people in the Spicer household. This is also when both my kids start musical theatre again, a new season of cello lessons, and programs get rocking at church. September is the month of new beginnings and a chance to refocus and recommit.

I used to have a job that also saw September as the start of their business year, and we would have a massive company meeting discussing how the past year went and how we could make the upcoming year even better. So, it feels rather fitting to see this as a fresh new beginning for Beyond the Balcony.

August 7 was the supposed relaunch of the site, but the last month has mostly been filler material as I frantically try to stay above water in my career and family life. The site has had articles every day, but nothing that I could really be proud of or believe would draw in a new audience.

This is the week that Beyond the Balcony kicks off the new year and I am devoted to crafting high-quality reviews, articles and creations for the site. This doesn't mean that I have suddenly got control of my career or life, and I'm still scrambling about in desperation to land clients and to feel like I have any sense of control.

The problem is I don't know when those feelings will end or if they will evaporate even if I do land clients. I just need to pick a day when I pledge I am going to make a real effort to grow this site and create the best prose possible. This seems like the perfect week to do that, and I'll just need to strike that balance on the fly.

Welcome to the new year of Beyond the Balcony. It should be an adventure. 
