Cuteness Corner

The Timing May Be Poor But. . .


Things are rough.

I finally have some work coming in, and my experience is having a little bit of consistent work somehow conjures up more fairly quick. Maybe finally my writing career has shifted the rocket from cratering towards the centre of the Earth. I am committed to 2024 being a much better year, and right now I am landing a few clients and putting strategies in place to grow the site, podcast, and other projects.

But. .. a shaky career ever since Covid hit means I've got some debt in the form of a line of credit. I haven't had a phone plan since the summer because I can't justify it. I have nothing to contribute to the needs of my family's weekly and monthly expenses even when it is as small as a bag of milk.

If you just happen to notice your pants are sliding down because your pockets are weighed down with pounds upon pounds of cash, and you have received joy from Beyond the Balcony, The Movie Breakdown, or anything else I've created then I'd be humbled and grateful if you'd consider donating a bit of money my way. You can do that here at my PayPal account.

What would I do with the money? Well other than help towards the above expenses, it could also help with my career objectives as I can upgrade my podcast recording software, buy more equipment to improve the site, podcast and videos, and use the funds to make sure I can review far more movies or other entertainment this year.

I want to reiterate I do have some work coming my way. It won't pay a lot, but it is more than the absolute nothing of the past year. I also would only want you to donate if you truly enjoy my content and want to help ensure more comes your way.

I know that I recently mentioned I won't be writing much this month, so a bad time to make a plea for some money. But I have created some articles recently that you may have liked such as a movie review, wrestling thoughts, and a podcast about anticipated movies.

The plan is to try to create a Patreon this year, and any donors can immediately be part of a tier and receive those rewards once I figure it all out. 

No matter if you donate or can't do such a thing, thank you for your support and for checking out this site for years now. I am committed to this being the best year yet. 
